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Even though I had been to Israel before (with another tour organizer), unlike my last trip, Israel became personal for me this time.

I can now pray for Israel not only out of obedience but out of a heart of passion and love for them.”

“We were so blessed to be hooked up with the Oaks. They love the land and they love the people. We wanted God to enlarge our hearts to understand His heart for this people and this land and God did all of that and more. To God this is a big deal. It’s a vital thing that Christians understand this....because we have a part in what God wants to do.”

“When you discover the opportunity to pray out God’s plan for Israel, it fulfills you.”

“The whole trip was like walking through the Bible. When you see the abundance that is in the land....you just have such a love for God, for what He can do and for the power that is in Him.”

“Things you read about in the newspaper every day come to life!”

“My life has changed because I went.”

“....a very emotional trip for me....many things left a mark on my heart....”

“The trip was absolutely awesome and worth every penny. I think everybody should go to Israel and I wouldn’t want to go with anyone else. David and Rachel are definitely in their niche!”

“Going to see what you have only read about really makes those things come to life. Imagine sitting on the Mount of Beattitudes, listening to a sermon written by Jesus and looking out over the Sea of Galilee. It’s worth doing whatever you have to do to make the trip.”

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Copyright © 2008
 David Oaks Ministries